Heya! I'm Ruby :3

I'm the lead developer of silliest.link. I don't have all too much to say honestly. I primarily write Rust (which is also what silliest.link is written in :3) nowadays, but I also occasionally use JavaScript/TypeScript for some projects. I despise C and C++ and think they should not be used for modern software under any circumstances (unless you ABSOLUTELY have to due to special circumstances such as rather obscure embedded chips).

I tend to speak my mind rather freely, so please don't take offense to it if I hurt your ego by calling Python a disease. This entire paragraph may sound a bit hostile, but please don't see it in that way, just saying how things are.

Other than that, I mostly just play games in my free time.

People don't like me, and you might be able to see why. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this dumpsterfire of an about page. In the meantime check out our blog or if you'd like to, support us here.